Originally from Taranaki I am an independent exhibition and experience designer based in Te Matau-a-Māui, Hawkes Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand. 
With extensive experience in the Art Gallery, Museum and Visitor Experience Sectors both in New Zealand and Australia I take pride in seeing projects from their infancy through the design process and onto a final product that is appreciated by the client and enjoyed by the visitor.

Services include but not limited to:
- Experience Design
- Exhibition Design
- Audience Segmentation
- Pre-concept Development
- Cultural Narrative Development
- 3D Modelling
- Drafting
- Production Management
- On-site Delivery

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Te Puawānanga
MOTAT Scitech Centre - May 2024
Client: MOTAT
Design Delivery: Scott Parker Creative

Experience & Exhibition Design: Scott Parker

Graphic Design: Jess Gommers


A new large scale science and technology experience opened in May 2024.
Made up of three main spaces spread across nearly 2000sqm. Te Tumu is a play space for under five year olds, Te Puku is the main science engagement space and finally Te Waha which is a large open innovation and events environment.

Images: Richard Ng
