Originally from Taranaki I am an independent exhibition and experience designer based in Te Matau-a-Māui, Hawkes Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand. 
With extensive experience in the Art Gallery, Museum and Visitor Experience Sectors both in New Zealand and Australia I take pride in seeing projects from their infancy through the design process and onto a final product that is appreciated by the client and enjoyed by the visitor.

Services include but not limited to:
- Experience Design
- Exhibition Design
- Audience Segmentation
- Pre-concept Development
- Cultural Narrative Development
- 3D Modelling
- Drafting
- Production Management
- On-site Delivery

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Client: Museums Victoria, Scienceworks

Key Role: Lead Exhibition and Experience Design

Additional Design: Jacob Tolo


Ground Up: Building Big Ideas, Together is an exhibition for babies to five-year-olds where curiosity is rewarded around each bend with surprising and intriguing sights, sounds and touch sensations. As part of a major 2 year Scienceworks redevelopment future aeronautical engineers can design and construct flying contraptions, little ones can make patterns and pictures with lights on a giant wall of colourful light-up switches, problem solvers get to experiment and construct vibrant three-dimensional puzzles and for all the littlies who love to touch and experiment, there is a giant, tactile car wash to be engineered into action.

In contrast to the active central areas there is a quieter baby zone for the earliest learners and their carers where they can lounge within soft forms, gaze at their mirrored reflections and gently turn objects to create a cascade of materials within.

Ground Up immerses young children in an imaginative world of sensory discovery and construction-play that will ignite their lifelong engagement with science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
