Originally from Taranaki I am an independent exhibition and experience designer based in Te Matau-a-Māui, Hawkes Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand. 
With extensive experience in the Art Gallery, Museum and Visitor Experience Sectors both in New Zealand and Australia I take pride in seeing projects from their infancy through the design process and onto a final product that is appreciated by the client and enjoyed by the visitor.

Services include but not limited to:
- Experience Design
- Exhibition Design
- Audience Segmentation
- Pre-concept Development
- Cultural Narrative Development
- 3D Modelling
- Drafting
- Production Management
- On-site Delivery

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The Death & Diversity exhibition at the Museum of Wellington City & Sea explored the diverse practices and rituals surrounding death through the experiences of members of Wellington’s Assyrian, Chinese, Colombian, Hindu, Jewish, Mexican and Muslim communities.
A finalist in the 2012 New Zealand Museum Awards for exhibition excellence, it was the first time that these intimate and emotional journeys of life and death were collectively shared with other New Zealanders. The exhibition also highlighted some of the more traditional rituals for funerals, burials and cremations but also looked at how communities have modified their practices in a new country.

Overall Exhibition Design Delivery & Fabrication: Workshop E Ltd
Graphic Design: Rose Cottage Design
Exhibition Designer: Scott Parker

Key Tasks: Overall Exhibition Design, Graphic Consultation, Construction Documentation, Installation

For more information visit:
Museum of Wellington City & Sea
Workshop E Ltd