Originally from Taranaki I am an independent exhibition and experience designer based in Te Matau-a-Māui, Hawkes Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand. 
With extensive experience in the Art Gallery, Museum and Visitor Experience Sectors both in New Zealand and Australia I take pride in seeing projects from their infancy through the design process and onto a final product that is appreciated by the client and enjoyed by the visitor.

Services include but not limited to:
- Experience Design
- Exhibition Design
- Audience Segmentation
- Pre-concept Development
- Cultural Narrative Development
- 3D Modelling
- Drafting
- Production Management
- On-site Delivery

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Client: Auckland Art Gallery

Exhibition Design: Scott Parker

Graphic Design: missscho creative


Aimed to inspire through a connection to whenua (land) and all its living creatures with fun, family-friendly activities that encourage you to feel with your fingers, play with your imagination, connect with each other and be a proud, creative kaitiaki (guardian) of our planet.
Sustainability was front and centre throughout the entire process with the pegboards, table inlays and tree structure fabricated from recycled plastic sheet material from Critical using no glue and limited screw fixings. The exhibition has a lifespan of 2 years with all of these elements being supplied back to Critical for re-processing once it closes.
The exhibition is reformatted every 6 months with the first activities revolving around the pegboard pepeha and the creation of your own using a range of Autex shapes based on familiar Aotearoa landmarks such as mountains, rivers and beaches. This also has a direct link to the tree illustrations I created featuring native species such as Ruru, Tui and Kererū.
