Originally from Taranaki I am an independent exhibition and experience designer based in Te Matau-a-Māui, Hawkes Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand. 
With extensive experience in the Art Gallery, Museum and Visitor Experience Sectors both in New Zealand and Australia I take pride in seeing projects from their infancy through the design process and onto a final product that is appreciated by the client and enjoyed by the visitor.

Services include but not limited to:
- Experience Design
- Exhibition Design
- Audience Segmentation
- Pre-concept Development
- Cultural Narrative Development
- 3D Modelling
- Drafting
- Production Management
- On-site Delivery

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Client: Ngai Tahu Tourism & New Zealand Rugby
Design & Build Delivery: Workshop E Ltd
Architecture: Pelorus Architecture Ltd

Key Role: Lead Exhibition & Experience Design

Additional Design: Julian James-Brown, Mathew Fanning


The All Blacks Experience is a state-of-the-art guided experience that showcases the All Blacks, as well as other national teams in black, through innovative storytelling and technology.

It is a full sensory and interactive experience that allows New Zealanders and international visitors to celebrate New Zealand’s rugby heritage, achievements and culture. Visitors in groups of 28 are guided through a 45min tour that educates the visitor as to what it takes to make, shape and be an All Black. Following that visitors are encouraged to see how they ‘step up’ against current All Black and Black Fern players.

Responsible for the overall story telling, scripting, experience design, graphics and overall construction and architectural integration it has become a unique, unexpected ‘must do’ for visitors. Working closely with New Zealand Rugby, Ngai Tahu Tourism, SkyCity and Ngāti Whātua, the experience weaves Māori and Pasifika values throughout from the graphic identity to the way guides greet and host visitors.
